2018的年终晚宴! 感谢每个参加了12月30号由我社组织的在Kura Kura的晚餐聚会!这次聚会标志着我社本年最后的活动!我们希望大家有了一段美好的时光,将2018剩下的所有松散的结尾编织收尾,然后以全新的姿态迎接2019!Thank you to everyone who joined us at Kura Kura on the 30th of December 2018! This dinner marks the final event of the year for the club! We hope everyone had a wonderful time, wrapped up any loose ends left over in 2018, and are ready to come into 2019 refreshed!
一如既往,感谢我们暖暖的很贴心的赞助商Kura Kura提供的房间和食物,所以请让我们在2019也表达出对他们工作的支持吧! As usual, our sponsor Kura Kura was extremely kind in supporting us with the venue and food, so please show them our support into 2019 as well!
- The sushi though… so good…
- Hot pot!
期待在今年第一场,1月8号的,训练上看到大家! 最后附上两张照片~ Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 8th of January when training restarts!
- One end of the camera
- The other end!