The club’s monthly pub night was held on the 23rd of November as a way for the students’ to celebrate on completing their exams! Everyone didn’t hold back on grabbing dinner with a few drinks and it was loud and lively as always. People say that once you become an adult, everyday is an exam but being able to relax like this can only be done while we’re students so let’s take advantage of it!
- Sharing around the beer
- Sasha’s first pub night
- The girls plus Ervin
- S1 Beginner Gathering Hub
Similar to last month’s pub night, this one is also a week away from the State competition, so it was a good opportunity to bring the mood up in preparation for it. Let’s do our best and hope we can bring back some great results!
- Trying to capture the whole atmosphere
- Ernani (Hand) and Jeffery after finding out what I was doing