The club’s monthly pub night was held on the 23rd of November as a way for the students’ to celebrate on completing their exams! Everyone didn’t hold back on grabbing dinner with a few drinks and it was loud and lively as always. People say that once you become an adult, everyday is an exam […]
2018 DHMDK Competition

The 23rd Dae Han Moo Do Kwan Kumdo Tournament occurred on the 10th of November at the Auburn PCYC Lidcombe, where our club has achieved great results. The results are as follows: Under 13’s Individuals 1st place – Kelly Kishikawa Kyu Men Individuals 2nd place – Halley Tan 3rd place – Paolo Usares / Macca […]
End of Semester Beginners, Execs and Instructors Dinner

Reaching the end of Semester 2, a party was held on the 3rd of November at the Kura Japanese Restaurant to welcome our new executive team, bogu players and beginners! Following the AGM BBQ, this will be the exec team’s first social event to get to know its new (and old) club members and vice […]
A BBQ session after club AGM

10月28号我们举行了社团的年度会议,讨论了这些年来一些重要的事项,并且还举行了换届选举。我们有很多的成员全身心投入到社团维护当中,作为教练、指导或干事,在幕后默默付出了很多。可以说我们欠了他们很多的感谢。下一年的干事在这次会议后半程选举了出来,他们是 The full list is: President – Brinton Vice Presidents – Victor and Altria Secretary – Janney Treasurer – Vincent Media and Events – Takumi Equipment Officer – Macca General Advisor – Tomomori Commercial Officer – Samantha 比起去年来这是一个更庞大的队伍,让我们做到能够理解与配合他们的工作, 这样社团这个整体便可以继续前行。去年好事坏事各有发生,但是我们还是成功突破了自己以往的成绩,今后我们也一如既往要取得更多突破。 会开完了就是BBQ的时间了!在这个场合我们对之前的干事们表示感谢,也同样感谢所有成员在过去一年的支持!同样,我们还要欢迎新的干事的加入。事实证明这场BBQ是一场为了香肠和零食的狂欢,人们为了第一个吃到香肠纷纷跟着拿托盘的人从烧烤台追到了放托盘的地方,然后转眼东西就没了。除了吃,居然还有人尝试在户外无甲进行剑道的比试,他们是真的勇士。再晚些时候,留下的人们带着惊喜欣赏了两名才子的小型音乐会,瞬间给我社增加了不少艺术细菌。
Recall our October pub night!
和往常一样,我们在上周五在Broadway Crown举行了一次十分愉快的酒吧聚餐来送别十月。当晚有吃有喝,有游戏也有聊天。这样的聚餐和其他社交活动一起把社员们在训练之外也能联系在一起。无论社团里地位如何在聚餐的时候一种聚会的氛围让人们相互都亲近很多。 与此同时,下场比赛近在眼前,所以玩耍过后更要继续带着必胜的决心训练!同时也希望所有学生成员们无论什么作业和考试,都能取得好成绩!