On the 26th of April, the club held another of our monthly pub nights at the Broadway Crown! I hope everyone was drinking and socialising in order to prepare for the cocktail party (11th of May)!
Kurakura Senior Party!

Following the Beginners of 2019 & Semester 1/2 of 2018 dinner, the seniors also had a Kurakura dinner on the 13th of April! As the previous few months were focused towards welcoming to new beginners of this year, it was time that we held an event just for the seniors to enjoy! It was […]
2019 Beginner & 2018 Sem 1/2 Dinner

As everyone has begun to transition into a new stage of their Kendo, we have organised a dinner at Kurakura on the 6th of April to celebrate these achievements! The beginners of this year has received their beginner packs and have started training in Kendo uniform (say goodbye to those gym clothes!) and are […]
Monthly Kohya Dinner (Niku-tomo-kai / 肉友会)

As the end of the month came by, another event was due other than our pub night – the monthly “Niku-tomo-kai” which was held on the 31st of March! Our members may know that our club is proudly sponsored by Kohya, a Japanese Yakiniku restaurant found in Randwick, and we organise dinner after Sunday training […]
March Pub Night 2019!

On the 29th of March, our club held our monthly pub night at the Broadway Crown! As per usual, there were drinks, food and the latest gossips being passed around (now with the 2019 beginners to join in on the fun)! Side note: We have just released our club sponsorship cards! Be sure to […]