On Saturday, 22nd of June, 20+ members from our club went to Lidcombe for their NSWKA Kendo Grading. We are proud to say that everyone has passed with flying colours! Ranging from first time graders to 2nd Dan grading, it’s great to see that everyone has achieved what they were working towards. Some members have […]
2019 S1 Beginner Interview

Now that the new Semester 1 beginners of 2019 have probably settled into our club, I (Takumi) have kindly asked two individual to share their opinions through an interview – Deva and Andrew! To start things off, briefly introduce yourselves. D: My name is Deva Nie. I am from China and this is my first […]
May Pub Night 2019 – Post Beginner Test!

The 31st of May was probably like any other training and pub night to the seniors. The beginners on the other hand faced their first real test on their Kendo performance! The test was done to measure everyone’s progress, give a goal for everyone to work towards and act as a final milestone before commencing […]