It may seem as the 30th of August would be just like any of our other pub nights…but not for the Semester 1 beginners! The upcoming Sunday after the pub night comes their long awaited bogus! As the atmosphere was in high spirits, we look forward to seeing everyone’s reactions on the Sunday!
Second Internal Shiai 2019 – Round 2!

It has been a month since our club’s last internal shiai but we came back for Round 2 on the 4th of August! Although the competitors were mostly the same, the past month was dedicated to learning from everyone’s previous shiai experiences thus, the quality of the shiai improved even further! Since everyone knows each […]
2019 July Pub Night – Semester 2 Starting Soon!

As the holidays is nearing its end, we held our last pub night on the 26th of July at the Broadway Crown! Although many have gone off to vacations during the break, it was still nice to see so many people be present for the night!
First Internal Shiai of 2019

As the ‘shiai season’ draws closer, our club prepared for it by holding our first internal shiai of the year on Sunday 7th of July! The internal shiai was held for two separate divisions: the female and male Kyus. The competitors that had participated ranged from the usual seasoned fighters to some first timers! […]
June Pub Night of 2019

Semester 1 is finally over! I hope all the students are enjoying their start to the mid year break. As per usual, we had our monthly pub night on the 28th of June. The place was a bit packed than usual but all that means is everyone gets to group up even more! It was […]
22nd June Grading 2019

On Saturday, 22nd of June, 20+ members from our club went to Lidcombe for their NSWKA Kendo Grading. We are proud to say that everyone has passed with flying colours! Ranging from first time graders to 2nd Dan grading, it’s great to see that everyone has achieved what they were working towards. Some members have […]
2019 S1 Beginner Interview

Now that the new Semester 1 beginners of 2019 have probably settled into our club, I (Takumi) have kindly asked two individual to share their opinions through an interview – Deva and Andrew! To start things off, briefly introduce yourselves. D: My name is Deva Nie. I am from China and this is my first […]
May Pub Night 2019 – Post Beginner Test!

The 31st of May was probably like any other training and pub night to the seniors. The beginners on the other hand faced their first real test on their Kendo performance! The test was done to measure everyone’s progress, give a goal for everyone to work towards and act as a final milestone before commencing […]
2019 USYD Kendo Annual Cocktail Party – Thank you to everyone!

It’s that time of the year – the USYD Kendo Annual Cocktail Party! Held at the Bristol Arms Hotel on Saturday, the 11th of May, it was a party aimed towards celebrating the new beginners joining our club this year and thanking all our seniors for making what the club it is today. The night […]
44th AKC 2019 – Shiai on the other side of Australia

For the past few months, a select few of our best members trained hard to represent and compete for NSW at the 44th Australian Kendo Championships during the 20th ~ 21st of April 2019! We are happy to say that they all fought well and achieved great results: Dan Kata Team 3rd place […]