Hello everyone,
On Sunday, the 7th of November, our 2021 Semester 1 Beginner Cohort participated in a competition against each other, organised by the club sensei’s and seniors of the club! Our beginners were split into groups of three, where they competed in two tourney style competitions, with one team taking 1st place at the end! Their competition consisted of doing specific strikes on a fully armoured senior member, at the instruction of Takayama-sensei. During their turns, we had three judges, including Takayama-sensei, who would look at the representatives of each team as they did their strikes, and would provide a judgement at the end of the round after every member of each competing team had participated. The team that received the majority vote would be deemed the winner, and would move on further up the ladder.
This was a good opportunity for our beginners to really show everyone their best, as well as providing opportunities to look for improvements!
With that in mind, congratulations to our first place teams!
Here are some photos to provide an idea of how our competition went for our beginners!
– Makoto

Our competitor (right), preparing to strike our receiver (left)!

The other members of either competing team, waiting their turn

One of our judges, overlooking the performance of each competitor!

The other teams who are currently not competing, watching and supporting the competing teams!

Our judges, deciding the winner by a majority vote – left and right represents the team’s relative position

Look at that kiai!

Instructor Ervin, giving advice after the competition finished!

Congratulations, everyone! You all did great!