Hello everyone, Let me just start off by saying: THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE USYD KENDO CLUB SOCIAL FUNCTION 2023!! It went off amazingly and without any hitches, and was a spectacular, fun-filled evening, full of exciting activities and opportunities to make new friends!! This event on Saturday, the 9th of September, […]
August Internal Grading!

Hello everyone, On the 13th of August, Sunday, our club held an internal grading session for our ungraded and graded members! Many of our club members arrived to display their best in terms of their level of Kendo, and all attempted and passed their respective grades! Congratulations! For many, this was the first stepping stone […]
June Pizza Night!

Semester 1 is finally over! Hope all the students are enjoying their start to the mid-year break – sorry for those who still have to work. We had our pizza pub night at Angry Tony’s Pizza on the 30th of July. Thank you, everyone, for coming and hope you did well in your exams!
Second Internal Shiai 2023 – Teams

On the 4th of June, our senior cohort had another Internal Shiai; this time, it was a team competition! Both Kyu and Dan members competed against each other in their respective divisions. For teammates who are familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses, everyone showed high-quality techniques; thus, the outcome of each shiai was tense […]
First Internal Shiai 2023 – Individuals

As the ‘shiai season’ draws closer, our club prepared for it by holding our first internal shiai of the year on the 28th of May! Our senior cohort that had participated ranged from experienced fighters to first-timers! Although there may have been a gap in experience, everyone shared the same passion for fighting to their […]
2023 Beginner Test!

On the 21st of May, our 2023 semester 1 beginner had their first beginner test! This was a wonderful opportunity for them to see how far their Kendo journey had progressed since the start of the year. Everyone did the best of their ability while Takayama-sensei, Kelvin and Jordan helped observe and record their results. […]
2022 NSW States Competition Results!
On the 5th of May, after training, we had a presentation award for those who achieved impressive results from last year’s NSW State Championship. Women’s Dan Division B (1D – 3D) 1st place – Ioana Levins 2nd place – Kelly Kishikawa 3rd place – Yihan (Anna) Lu Women’s Kyu Division A (3K – 1K) 3rd […]
April Grading 2023!

On the 29th of April, many of our club members went to Ryde for their NSWKA State Grading. While we have many goals and targets in Kendo, achieving higher grades is often a popular motivation. Many of us passed – however, grades are not just a result but symbolise the level of responsibility we now […]
2023 Semester 1 Beginners Receives Their Kendo Equipment!

Our 2023 Semester 1 Beginner finally received their kendo equipment, and their Kendo journey has begun! On the 30th of April, our beginner cohort was taught how to wear their kendo dogi and hakama by our senior instructors! […]
2022 Semester 1 Beginner Interview

It has been 5 months since 2022 Semester 1 beginners settled into bogu training. We invited Anne to share her Kendo experience. Q1. Tell us about yourself. Hi everyone, my name is Anne! I’m currently a 4th kyu in Kendo and a 3rd year student in USYD, studying medical science. I love to sing, read […]