On Sunday the 2nd of February 2025, the USYD Kendo Club hosted its annual general meeting for the year of 2024.
Each AGM, we take the opportunity to report on the highs and lows of the past year with our club members, review the club constitution and policies, and thank our head coach Takayama-sensei, our team of instructors, and our executive team for their commitment and dedicated efforts throughout 2024.
We acknowledge and are deeply grateful for the hard work put in every day by our coaches, instructors, and executive team, and we expressed our appreciation through gifts presented to representatives of each team.
This event also saw the election of the USYD Kendo Club Executive Team for 2025, who will be assisting in the operation of our club this coming year.
Executive team members continuing from 2024:
- Tomonori Hu
- Vincent Firman
- Gita Purja
- Angeline Vassios
Executive team members concluding duties:
- Hongjie (Jie) Zhang
- Felix Lee
- John Su
Commencing executive team members:
- Joshua Leong
- Sebastian Nop
- Felicity Nop
Thank you to our executive team of 2024 for your amazing contributions to the club over the last year!
The new executive team for 2025:
President: Vincent Firman
General Club matters
Vice President: Sebastian Nop
General Club matters
Treasurer: Tomonori Hu
Equipment Officer: Joshua Leong
Club equipment orders
Media and Events Officer: Felicity Nop
Website, and social club events
Commercial Officer: Angeline Vassios
Club merchandise
Secretary: Gita Purja
Executive team correspondence
Let’s bring our club into another fantastic year!!
~ Felicity

Members’ representative Agnes presenting gifts to the coaching team!

President Jie reporting on the past year!

2025 executive team (left to right): Gita Purja, Angeline Vassios, Sebastian Nop, Vincent Firman, Felicity Nop, Tomonori Hu, Joshua Leong