Our USYD mixed team with Kai (on the left), Kelvin (in the middle) and Ernani (on the right) give us 3rd place in the competition, photo shows our brilliant team and “Three Wise Monkeys” award they won.
On Saturday 4th of March, the annual SKC3 Fridendship Cup was held. The aim of the competition is to promote the harmony and goodwill in the spirit of Kendo.
The shiai (competition) is for 3 mixed tournament. The requirement is need one kyu, one 1 or 2 dan and one 3 dan+. This time, our club send Kai, Ernani and Kelvin to represent us, and they get a quite good result! They gey equal 3rd place in the competition and they also won Three Wise Monkeys Award for best team name.
Thank you for their hard work and congratulations for their good results. This is a wonderful chance to make members get closer to each other.