All our lessons are handled by experienced instructors – able to speak in English, Japanese or Chinese! You do not need any previous experience.
Everybody who joins us is a beginner, as we all were! We will teach you everything from the basics.
How to join our club:
Prospective members can join our club by paying our 6 month or annual membership.
As we are a club under Sydney Uni Sports and Fitness (SUSF), a SUSF membership is also required. This covers usage of university venues (where we train), and it also covers health insurance while training on campus.
NOTE: You will be asked to make the payment via debit/credit card so please make sure you have this with you as you register.
Step 1: The Registration Page
- Head over to:
- Please choose a category from the following that corresponds to yourself.
Step 2: Personal Information
- Fill in the following form with your personal detail and press submit after completion
- Note: The Home Property Name is the name of the building that you reside in. If your building does not have one/you do not remember, you can type in the street that you live on.
Step 3: Picking The Membership
- Scroll down until you find either the Kendo 12 Month Fee / Kendo 6 Month Fee and choose the package you would like.
- It will then give you a subscription overview which includes the Sydney Uni Sports & Fitness annual membership (labelled as “Prerequisite Memberships”) and our club’s membership.
- Hit “Next” once you have confirmed that it is correct.
Step 4: Terms & Conditions
- This is the terms and conditions set by SUSF. It is up to you if you would like to read the whole thing or not then press “I accept”.
Step 5: Pre-exercise Screening Tool
- This page is used to evaluate your fitness level and health conditions. Please answer each question with a Yes/No then click “Next”.
Step 6: Online Payment
- The page will show you one final time what memberships you have applied for. Please do make sure that they are correct.
- You are then required to fill in the fields at the bottom with a valid debit/credit card.
- Double check all information once again and finally press on “Complete Signup”.
- If everything was correct, the page will give you one final prompt afterwards stating you have completed the signup.
- You will be emailed a confirmation immediately from SUSF. There will be a PDF attachment to this email in the format “Contract DD-MM-YY”. This document must be printed and brought to the next time you arrive at training.
OUR Terms & Conditions
- If you do not have a printed hard copy the day you arrive we cannot confirm your membership and cannot accept your entry to training. We will not be accepting screen shots on the phone or forwarded emails of any sort.
- ALL USYD Kendo Club memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable and can not be shared.
- Check out our FAQ’s page if you have any questions, if your question isn’t answered there you can contact us.
- If you would like to know about the benefits of being an active Sydney University Sports and Fittness member please click here.
- Once you have understood everything, here is the link to the registration once more:
- After completing all steps described above, you are done. Which also means…
Welcome to the USYD Kendo Club!
NOTICE – Novel Coronavirus
As you may all know, much news has been broadcast about the Coronavirus. The virus, originating in Wuhan (China), has been reported with numerous cases around the world.
As it is a newly identified virus, vaccines are still under development. Precautionary measures are currently being undertaken to ensure public health and safety. These countermeasures have been announced by various organisations including the Australian Government, NSW Health, and educational institutions such as the University of Sydney – it is encouraged to read and follow only credible information.
The USYD Kendo Club also takes the situation very seriously and proposes the following:
- Keep your distance from people when possible – especially in large crowds or showing signs of coughing or illness. This includes places that you may believe to be affected the most.
- If you have any symptoms of illness, please do not attend our Kendo training and immediately go to a hospital to receive some evaluation.
- If you are arriving back from China to Australia, please do not attend our training for two weeks (14 days) after arriving and prioritise your own health.