On 28th Oct we held an important meeting that all club members attended, Annual General Meeting. we discussed several key matters followed by an election for new executive team. Many members devoted to this club as a role of coach, instructor or executive team, working behind the sense as a sort of solid support to this club. We owe them a lot of thanks. New executives were elected for the next year’s work.
The full list is:
President – Brinton
Vice Presidents – Victor and Altria
Secretary – Janney
Treasurer – Vincent
Media and Events – Takumi
Equipment Officer – Macca
General Advisor – Tomomori
Commercial Officer – Samantha
It’s a bigger team compared to last year, and let’s make sure their work, as well as the work of the coaches and instructors, can be appreciated so our club can continue to move forward. Last year good things happened as well as bad things, but as we managed to make breakthrough in competitions last year. we will not only keep the achievements, but also try to achieve more.
比起去年来这是一个更庞大的队伍,让我们做到能够理解与配合他们的工作, 这样社团这个整体便可以继续前行。去年好事坏事各有发生,但是我们还是成功突破了自己以往的成绩,今后我们也一如既往要取得更多突破。
After the AGM we had a BBQ to say thank you to the leaving executive members, and to everyone’s support over the past year, and welcome to the new ones. It was a sausage and snack mania, along with dedicated members trying to implement kendo fighting everywhere (with proper protection of course). We also, surprisingly, had a mini concert that put a little be art in to the composition of our club.
- Thank Kenta for bringing the bread baked by himself!
- A special sense only seen in a kendo club’s event…
- People chased any person carrying BBQ all the time…