Thinking about joining? Want to ask questions? See a live demonstration? Come visit us at O-Week! We will be manning our stall everyday for all three days – Wednesday March 1st until Friday March 3rd – from 9:00am until 4:00pm. Specific details on where to find us on campus and demonstration times are currently being finalised, so stay tuned […]
2016 End-of-year dinner event
A big thank you to everyone who was able to attend our end-of-year celebrations! For those who were in Sydney over the Xmas/New Year period, we organised a dinner event at Japanese restaurant Kura Kura, one of our club sponsors, on the 30th of December. Looking forward to being with you for 2017!
Good news! – Results from NSW State Championship
On last weekend (3-4th December 4, 2016, Saturday and Sunday), 2016 NSW State Championship was held in Sydney University Lidcombe Campus. Competitions and Dan grading held in both Saturday and Sunday are the greatest events in NSW Kendo society. During these events, our club sent our highest level players join in the competition and get […]
Congratulations for Grading—everyone get a good result!
The Kendo kyu grading was held in 26th November, 2016 at Sydney University Lidcombe Compus. At this time, all of our members who went to the grading pass the test and some of them get double graded. Here I want to say congratulations to them. In this kyu level grading, some of our semester 1 […]
November Pubnight – Celebrating after exam, finish of semester 2!
As all exams and semester 2, 2016 is finished this week, our club just held pubnight for this month in 18th of November (Friday). In the Broadway Crown, we cheered for our hard studying through the whole semester and hard training in Kendo. After the exam and busy study for it, I hope more people […]
October pubnight—prepare to welcome your exam!
In 4th of November, we held pubnight for October after the AGM. We enjoy drinks and food as usual in the Broadway Crown. As the last pubnight before semester 2 exam period, we need to study hard after join the pubnight. The new exec team started to work and a new year will begin. Moreover, […]
2016 Annual General Meeting
The end of a year and start of a new year…… The University of Sydney Kendo Club’s Annual General Meeting was held on the 30th of October (Sunday). To summarize success and shortage from last 12 months and prospect for the next year, we need to gather formally for the meeting. The event is the […]
Good results from DHMDK Competition
Last Saturday (15th October), DHMDK Competition was held in Lidcombe PCYC. In this competition, members from our club get very good results, this is not the honour for people who get good results, its also the pride for everybody in our club. Congratulations and thanks to all people represented the USYD Kendo club. The […]
Unigame results– Congratulations to USYD Kendo team!
From 23th to 26th of September, the Unigame was held in Perth, the USYD Kendo Club have totally 9 members join the competition and get very good results. Here I want to say congratulation to them and hope they can do better in the future. Good Job! USYD Kendo! The result of the Unigame is: […]
September pubnight—during mid-break
At the end of September, we held our pubnight in the Crown as well. This time, the Broadway Crown became our sponsor and our member can get discount cards from the pub which can benefit us a lot. This pubnight was held in mid-break and after the Unigame, we also congratulate the good result of […]