上周五悉大的迎新周结束了。对我们这个社团以及各个成员而言,这个活动真的让人从头忙到尾,而且既考验体力又考验口才。还好,在这三天的活动里,陆陆续续有五十多名新人加入,可以说结果比较喜人了。新人们,欢迎加入剑道社! 非常感谢在迎新周里用各种方式参与到帮助社团招新当中的社员们:有站在夏日阳光里卖力招揽新人直到活动最后一秒的,帮着从早到晚准备各种必要物品的,还有为观众献上精彩演出的——社员们为了这个活动真的很辛苦。感激不尽! 这里还有一些社团摄影大神的照片,希望各位在任何时候想回忆这三天的点点滴滴,它们都可以帮到你们! 最后,如果参与到迎新活动中能够让你或多或少感到高兴的话,不管是因为团队还是因为自我,因为受到了激励还是在表演的时候秀了一把,或者是和好友一起累着……希望这段回忆能够一直让你高兴、开心。
Orientation Week 2017 – coming soon!
Thinking about joining? Want to ask questions? See a live demonstration? Come visit us at O-Week! We will be manning our stall everyday for all three days – Wednesday March 1st until Friday March 3rd – from 9:00am until 4:00pm. Specific details on where to find us on campus and demonstration times are currently being finalised, so stay tuned […]
Annual General Meeting & BBQ
Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM and BBQ. A big thank you to the previous exec team and welcome to the new. President: Jordan Saito-Patch Vice President: Simon Huynh Secretary: Yang Chen Treasurer: Tomonori Hu Equipment: Vincent Firman Media/Events: Rafael Alexander Lots of delicious food at the BBQ.
NSW Kyu squad training
We thank everyone who turned up to the joint Kyu squad training on December 15th.
New executive team 2013-2014 + BBQ pics!
After the long competition day at DHMDK (last post here) our club held our annual general meeting – which meant a time for a fresh new executive group. The executive team strives to run our club as smooth as possible from administrative issues to training booking. A new executive was elected as follows: President: Kim […]
USYD Kendo Annual General Meeting (Sun 20-Oct-2013 12pm)
This is an announcement for the University of Sydney Kendo Club Annual General meeting. Your attendance to this meeting is valuable as this is the most important event that determines the future of our club. All Usyd kendo members are expected to attend. You may express any opinions/concern, and your valued opinion may be beneficial […]
Last Training at Dance Studio & Warehouse
On 31-Jan-2012, the HK Ward was closed and demolished, venues for training was changed to Warehouse and Dance Studio. As the Sports & Aquatic Centre extension project is completed in Aug-2013, the training venue for Tuesday and Friday will be the Aquatic Centre from 20-Aug-2013 as per schedule. Some photos from the last training at […]