我社十一月的酒吧聚餐在上周五的训练之后进行,考完了试的学生党们终于可以放飞自我迎接假期了……也有没考完试的,就稍微遗憾了一些,不过吃吃喝喝也算考前放松一下吧。希望大家都能考出好成绩! 这天还是两位社员的生日,祝Noelia和Altria生日快乐啦! 假期开始了,希望社员们在享受假期的同时,不要把剑道抛到脑后!我们和蔼可亲尽职尽责的社长大人(下图所示)会盯着你们ヽ(•ω•ゞ)! 最后,下个月的2号和3号我们将迎来新州剑道大赛暨级位段位审查,我们的选手们在过去几周里训练得愈加刻苦,参加考级考段的也积极准备着,希望所有人在这两天的时间里都能发挥出色!
2016 End-of-year dinner event
A big thank you to everyone who was able to attend our end-of-year celebrations! For those who were in Sydney over the Xmas/New Year period, we organised a dinner event at Japanese restaurant Kura Kura, one of our club sponsors, on the 30th of December. Looking forward to being with you for 2017!
October Pub Night
On Friday October 23rd we had our monthly pub night at the off-Broadway Hotel. This month we are going to send off the current executive teams and welcome the upcoming execs, so we chose the Friday before AGM, which will be held on 25th of this month, to set up an event in order to […]
September Pub Night
On Friday October 2nd we had our monthly pub night at the Royal Pub after training. In order to celebrate for the success of our Unigames competitors this year, the club had decided to postponed the September Pub Night to the first Friday of October as this year’s Unigames was held on the weekend 26th […]
2015 pre Uni-games BBQ
USYD Kendo held this year’s first BBQ party on Sunday, 13 September after training in order to celebrate our club’s success in Hanrimwon competition, to welcome our new members, and to send off the Unigames competitors. We used the BBQ area near Bosch lecture theatre. It worked by a “potluck” system.
August Pub Night
Thank you for everyone who attended this month’s Pub Night! To mix things up a little, this month we journeyed to the Off-Broadway Hotel. Nothing beats celebrating another month gone with USYD Kendo mates at the pub! We should really stop talking only about Kendo…
May Pub Night
Thank you everyone who came along to the pub night on May 29th. photos taken by Yang
Beginner Welcome Party
Thank you everyone who attended the beginner welcome party. We hope everyone had a great time. Keep your eyes on this post over the next week as new photos will be added.