Tell us about yourself. Well first my full name is Harshinder Bhandari I am still in High School doing my HSC I study at CBHS Lewisham I am not currently graded however I am looking forward to my first grading. How long have you been practising Kendo and why did you begin? I have […]
How long have you been practicing Kendo and why did you begin? I have been practicing kendo in Sydney for 6 months, and i have also practiced in Brazil, for 1 year and half. I started because I was looking for a martial art which still combine the philosophy of martial art with the […]
Triple golds secured! DHMDK 2013 Competition
On the 19th of October the Dae Han Moo Do Kwan (DHMDK) Club held their annual competition at the Burwood PCYC – the state’s most eventful competition of the year. Our USYD Kendo Club sent over almost 30 of our members to compete for the top place. The competition began early at 8:30 am and […]
Kelvin off to St. Petersburg! Good luck!!
On the 21-22nd of October the World Combat Games will be held in St. Petersburg (Russia). World Combat Games is an international sporting event which promotes values of self-control, determination and technical mastery, the Martial Arts and Combat Sports integrate elements of culture, wisdom, friendship to create an elite […]
Julie Tran
Tell us about yourself Hello all! I am currently studying a Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours). My current grade is 1st Dan and 2015 will be my 5th year of kendo. How long have you been practicing Kendo and why did you begin? 2015 will mark my 5th year of kendo. I […]