The UTS Kendo Club held their annual competition last week on the 12th of March. Our keen members competed, some of them for the first time, and had a blast! Congratulations to all those that represented the USYD Kendo Club Fiona Roberts Kelvin Tran Nick Ioannou Kenta Kusakabe Harshinder Bhandari A special congratulations to […]
Our first club BBQ for 2016
To celebrate our newest members and the beginning of semester we’ve already run a few social events. We train hard and we enjoy the time we share together very much as well! Some pictures of our new and old members – happy times =)
CLUB RECORD: 120 members at regular training!!!
Friday 26th of February marks the first Kendo training entering semester… An unbelievable number of members joined our Kendo Club during O-week and so many more registered their interest. At our first training we easily set a new record of number of training members. With more than 70 new members, and our solid 50+ regular seniors, […]
O-week 2016 – three days of awesomeness!
It only felt like yesterday we were setting up the 2015 O-week stall, and before we know it, semester 1 2016 has begun again! So back to the drawing board again…. And let O-week begin!!!
O-week …in the making!
O-week 2016 has finished, but lets take a quick look behind the scenes… Its easy to think that O-week is just a festive week where we stand and promote your own club. Well, not when you have to be in the blazing the sun with Kendo armour on! The (new) members that join our club […]
Orientation Week 2016 – Visit the Kendo Club!
O-week is Sydney University’s Orientation week for newly joining students! A large part of University life is making more social connections, joining sport clubs or societies, become involved with things beyond your degree. Experience speaks louder than anything in the real world so we encourage all students to explore the university’s activities widely. Our Kendo […]
First pub night of 2016!
January 29th saw our club’s first pub night of the year! Our monthly meet ups are a super way to socialise and enjoy a nice dinner with the people that we otherwise fight and beat up every training.
Interviewing our latest cohort!
We’re kicking off 2016 with an article highlighting what our newest members think of the club, the training, and our people. But! We’re not doing our usual Q&A – I’m adding personality-revealing questions as uni students are likely to be facing once we graduate! Hi guys thanks for being part of the interview! We need fresh opinions to […]
End of year dinner event
Thank you to all of those people who attended our end of year dinner to celebrate our successful 2015! For those who stayed in Sydney for the holiday we organised a dinner at Kura Kura restaurant on the 30th of December. Look forward to being with you for 2016 everybody!
Dec Pub night – see you next year!
We do things the old-fashioned way…no messaging apps, no group chats, no forums, just face to face talking. Thanks to those who dropped by to our final pub night for 2015! As usual happy times at the Off-Broadway Hotel. Training together, eating together, drinking together, complaining/embracing about life together, this is the secret to getting […]