Friday 26th of February marks the first Kendo training entering semester…
An unbelievable number of members joined our Kendo Club during O-week and so many more registered their interest. At our first training we easily set a new record of number of training members. With more than 70 new members, and our solid 50+ regular seniors, we breached the 100 mark, actually even the 120 mark.
Thank you to all the new members who have come and joined us, and to all of our members that have proven that our club is interesting!!

Now that’s one amazing sight…

Aaaaaaaaand you have 60 seconds to find Wally! *tick tick tick…..*
Moving to Sunday training

Guess what this is: A) A line for a Justin Bieber concert. B) A line for a Taylor Swift concert. C) A line of people wanting to say good morning to Takayama Sensei. I think Yuling thinks the answer is (A)…and I’m sure you can guess which one she is…

Join our beginner cohort for this year! Classes open all the time!