Hello everyone,
On the 12th of December, 2021, we had our final Internal Shiai of the year! For this Shiai, we were organised in to teams and had one last big bout to close 2021 with a bang! Our beginner cohort, at the time did not have their Men yet, but still competed against each other in a technical examination. The rest of our senior members, both Kyu and Dan then competed against each other in their respective divisions.
After that fun event, we then held our club pot-luck style barbeque, out on the Cadigal Green, where we enjoyed some good BBQ meat, relaxing with sodas in hand! Many of us brought home-made dishes, which were all delicious and were enjoyed by everyone! The day was also full of many sport activities, such as volleyball, soccer and some mock-baseball – definitely one of the better ways we topped off 2021 for our club!
We ended up with a lot of photos, so grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show!
– Makoto

Sohrab, with the strong focus!

Agnes, going for the Do!

Look at that Kiai from Earl!

Teamwork makes the dream work – giving each other advice!

Instructors Ervin (left) and Tom (right) explain how the event will play out!

What does Peiming see?

What a smile from Brennan!

Kyu Boys begin their tournament!

Team members putting on their respective ribbons to identify them!

Helping other team mates prepare for the upcoming fights by making sure their ribbons are in place!

Woah, it’s our President, Joe!

Takayama-sensei explains the rules!

It begins, fight!

Although only one member from each team competes at a time, everyone else supports them – what good team spirit!

A move offscreen which impressed everyone!

Fujisawa-sensei explaining the results!

The barbeque begins! Brinton (left) and Instructor Tom (right) begin cooking some delicious food!

Look at those lovely skewers – I’m getting hungry again just looking at it!

Nothing beats a cool drink after training! Peiming (right) agrees with me!

One of our club member’s home made dishes – looks amazing~!

A surprised Albert!

The gang poses with Fujito-sensei! (middle, third from the left)

What a nice smile, Xiner!

Who made the best duck-face?

Shannon, looking into the distance with a cool drink in hand!

Everyone prepping up for some sports!

Some intense volleyball action!

That must have been one funny joke!

Henry serves!

Look at that form!

What barbeque is complete without some good fruit?

And of course, some good snacks?

A surprise guest appearance – Merry Early Christmas!

You guys look very photogenic!

Those snacks must be rad!