Reaching the end of Semester 2, a party was held on the 3rd of November at the Kura Japanese Restaurant to welcome our new executive team, bogu players and beginners!
Following the AGM BBQ, this will be the exec team’s first social event to get to know its new (and old) club members and vice versa. Whether it be from having a similar passion for Kendo, sharing interests or just being drinking buddies, it was nice to see everyone getting together.
- Exec team + Kai
- VP looking down on ex-Pres
- Our new beautiful president
- Macca
Congratulations to Semester 2 Beginners for finishing their Kendo test! With the return of Kelvin as an instructor, he has never been more ready to nurture the S2 beginners’ Kendo skills. Their training are so intense, we sometimes look at them in awe (they do tons of suburi with a weighted shinai for example).
- S2 Beginners! (Fabian and Thomas)
- Kelvin and his students
- I wonder what Aidan is talking about
- “So…”
The Semester 1 Beginners have just started their bogu training and it has been physically and mentally tough for them. To help alleviate their fatigue, this dinner is also dedicated to them to just relax and have fun. Final exams for University are coming up so its a good time to take break from all the study that everyone is doing (hopefully).
- Jordan with his usual speech
- Food!
- Posing for the camera
- S1 Beginners talking with one of our newer instructor, Rachel