A picture is worth a million words! So a million pictures is worth…? Happy holidays to everyone – thanks for coming to the Pub night #2 of 2016! A great turn up on Easter Friday at the Royal 😀

Alright! Kicking off the long weekend with the Kendo club’s pub night!

Big turn up! thanks everyone!

Pizza was the only available thing this night! Its a perfect opportunity for me to make a pizza pun…. but I think it’ll just be too cheesy.

Group picture downstairs! Sorry Vincent, couldn’t fit you in. But as promised I photo-shopped you in. Sorry Vincent, I don’t know how to use photoshop.

Ernani’s shirt is too cool!

Meanwhile, downstairs the ladies were able to have a civilized conversation.

At some point I saw these guys doing suburi with those sticks. Woop!

Cool kids chilling back…

Cheers! Is that three jugs between three people?!

Everyone looking remotely interested at Jordan passionately telling Paulo about his Kendo future….

Best bros!

because I also want to be in one of these pictures…

Everyone buy cocktail party tickets? If you don’t Alex will photo bomb your dreams.

Winner of the best smile award!!

All good things come to an end. It’s okay Alex, you don’t have to cry. We will hold another one next month.