Hope you are well during this period of hunkering down! Things don’t seem so pleasant during these times, but it is true that numerous people are finding more time to do ….to do what?
As we do not have training, I have decided to do some investigation! This is just a short chat I had with them and thought to share 🙂
My first targets were a handful of our executive members:
Part 1: Takumi & Samantha

(Connoisseurs will have noticed the slight bed-hair in Takumi, and the potato on Sam’s shirt.)
Takumi, how’s hunkering down been during this time? Any new-found wonderful things you have found in your time?
Erm. Nothing much different really…
What! Surely you have more time now though. No training and no university (well, aside from all the online stuff…)
Well what I am doing in this time is focusing on preparing for grad positions.
(Takumi is finishing up Computer Science in the next year) Oh cool! So what do you actually do then?
Well I am preparing applications for various grad positions (through the guidebook), polishing up my resume, and practising interview questions.
What are the interview questions like?
Ah well its hard to explain, but its like on-the-spot problem solving. An example I can give, is… imagine you have a 10 x 10 grid. On this grid you have aliens, which can cover any number of squares, but are fixed to a height of 1. You have a laser beam now, which can shoot vertically (up a column), and it will destroy anything in its line. The question is, given a certain layout out aliens, what is the most efficient way you can knock out all aliens – basically in the with least number of laser beam shots.
Errrr…hmm…uhh…. the world of computer science is a….tough one. Wait WHAT, they want you to solve this in an INTERVIEW? When you are already stressed out?
Hahaha, well that’s just an example. They don’t expect you to solve it on the spot (better if you can) but look at how you go about solving the problem.
Wow good luck… I am glad I am not in these interviews. If you are keen to know the answer to the above question I am sure Takumi will be able to let you know more about it!
(I don’t know what everyone is thinking but here’s what I’m thinking….)
Next up – let’s see what Samantha is up to …
Samantha! How’s it going, you are not a student, but currently working! Does that mean you are working from home?
Yes, just today I worked it out at my job and will be working from home.
Now, how have you been having spending your extra time? Given your working you might not have THAT much extra time…
Well I am using my time to spend more times with my pets.
Aww, what pets do you have?
I have a lot. I have 2 cats, 1 dog and lots of chickens…
Chickens?! How many chickens?
Umm let me see… I have 12 chickens.
Whoah! That must be awesome. That’s a lot of eggs! So you must not be troubled for stocking up on eggs. I couldn’t get them at the supermarket today.
Hahaha, yes we have lots of eggs.
So we can come to your place for eggs if we are in trouble?
No!!!! Don’t eat my chickens!!!!
J-…just joking! Of course…..