Hello everyone!
This month we have had a few positive COVID cases within the club, requiring us to temporarily halt in-person club trainings/activites until the situation was under control. However, despite the club temporarily halting in-person trainings, we still managed to have some fun sessions online – for the duration of this week, we had been instead holding online zoom sessions for our club members, hosted by our head coach: Takayama sensei!
On Tuesday, 22nd of March, an online workout session was held, led by Takayama sensei, allowing us to really get moving despite being at home! (I definitely felt it, my bum was sore from all those squats!) It was an exciting one hour, where got to do some exercises we wouldn’t normally do during training.
On Friday, 25th of March, and Sunday, 27th of March, we held online discussion sessions, where members could ask eachother questions related to Kendo! For our Friday session, Takayama sensei was in the spotlight, where our club members were presented with an opportunity to ask our head coach questions regarding his Kendo experience! On Sunday, the tables were turned, and instead every club member got a chance to talk to one another by asking eachother questions – this was a golden opportunity for our beginner members to converse with our senior members, getting to know eachother better!
With in-person training returning soon, these online sessions were a nice change of pace! Hopefully we can do something like this again in the future!
With this post about to wrap up, please enjoy these screengrabs of our various online sessions!
– Makoto

Many members showed up to our discussion zoom sessions – thank you for coming!

Our president, Joe, enjoying a good cup of…. Joe?