Hello everyone,
On Friday, October 29th, we were able to finally have our first pub night coming out of the most recent lockdown! It was so good to be back at the Broadway Crown, where we thoroughly enjoyed the food and drinks there! A sense of pre-lockdown life nostalgia washed over us, as we were able to talk face to face again with one another. With the current situation of COVID19 cases lowering in New South Wales each day, here is looking forward towards the next pub night happening in November!
For the meantime, enjoy these photos taken on the night!
– Makoto

Careful with your drinks!

Takayama Sensei, President Joe, and Vice President Brinton’s little corner

Join our selfie, Secretary Suzie!

Rock on, Noelia and Wiwid!

How’s the beer, guys?

Say ‘cheese’, everyone!

Is there something on my face guys?

Fun talks and fun drinks!

It’s good to be back!

Behind the scenes