With the completion of the NSW States Championships & Grading, that concludes all major Kendo related events for this year! Great work everyone! To celebrate, the club has held a BBQ on the 9th of December to relax and enjoy this moment.
- The BBQ Team
- Our favourite BBQ food, sausages
- Food!
- Aaand the people
- Could they be…?
- It’s the Super Smash Bros. corner
- Only Tanton noticed the camera
- Everyone invested in different conversations and food
- It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…It’s…
- Yes, it’s a bird (Kookaburra)
- Kai.
- Victoria?
而一个有点小忧伤的消息是,今天是最后一次和Hajime Narita,一个和我们做了4个月伙伴的日本大学生,一起训练。Hajime用他的丰厚的剑道知识和经验帮助了我们很多成员,给了很多建议,在训练和总体相处时展现出内在与外在的活泼,是我社所宝贵珍视的成员。我们会想念你的!
On a slightly sadder note, today was the final training of Hajime Narita, a Japanese university student that stayed with us for 4 months. Hajime provided many of us with advice stemming from his extensive Kendo knowledge and experience, expressed his liveliness both inside and outside of training and was overall, someone our club enjoyed having. We’ll miss you!
(Hajime, the guy in the middle)