We hope everyone had a great time at this event and got to know each other better.
Pub Night Dinner August
Thank you everyone who came to our August pub night, we hope everyone had a great time. Also being the day when 16 of our beginners received their bogu.
Tell us about yourself I am currently doing a master of Communications Law at UTS after I graduating last year from USYD. I am still completely ungraded in kendo because grading always happened while I was not in Australia. How long have you been practicing kendo and why did you begin? I have been practicing […]
Founders Cup 2014
Founders Cup competition was held on August 2nd followed by state grading on the 3rd at Corrimal High School. Kyu Kata: 1st UNSW; 2nd USYD (Julie T. + Kim A.) Dan Kata: 1st place: UTS. 2nd : SKCWomen Team: 1st DHMDK; 2nd USYD Kyu Team 1st Place : DHMDK. 2nd: UTSDan Team: 1st UTS; 2nd […]
Tell us about yourself. Well first my full name is Harshinder Bhandari I am still in High School doing my HSC I study at CBHS Lewisham I am not currently graded however I am looking forward to my first grading. How long have you been practising Kendo and why did you begin? I have […]
Pub Night Dinner July
Thank you everyone that attended our pub night on July 25th. Tenugui folding lessons, later developing into tenugui folding races.
USYD Cup Thank-you Event
As a big thank-you to our members who put in a huge amount of effort into making our USYD Cup run smoothly, we held a pizza party on the 4th of July at Valenzano’s Bar ‘n Pizza, where everyone had a good feast on pizza. Thanks to everyone’s commitment throughout the long day the event […]
USYD Charity Cup 2014
The USYD Kendo Charity Cup was held on 28 June 2014 at the University of Sydney Cumberland Campus supporting the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. Thank you to all our volunteers ensuring the day ran smoothly and all the Sensei, seniors and various clubs for shinpaning and helping in supporting tasks. It was great seeing […]
How long have you been practicing Kendo and why did you begin? I have been practicing kendo in Sydney for 6 months, and i have also practiced in Brazil, for 1 year and half. I started because I was looking for a martial art which still combine the philosophy of martial art with the […]
Hanrimwon Korean Kumdo Championships
The 20th year of the Korean Kumdo Championships was held on 17th May 2014, at Sydney University Lidcombe campus. A state-wide event bringing together Kumdo and Kendo players from around NSW and ACT. USYD had a large turnout with 21 participants, plus a few beginners supporting from the sidelines. The day started with the Open […]