After the exams and kendo’s grading, the holiday for students finally came! So in the evening of last Friday after training, the club went to the Broadway Crown to celebrate the start of holiday – sorry for those still have to work, but there is barely anything that could stop us from staying up for the World Cup! (“But we still will not forget training” I heard a voice from each of you saying genuinely, and I truly agreed with that…)
期末考试和剑道级位段位审查会结束了,这意味着学生们终于迎来了假期! 于是在上周五训练结束,社团又去了Broadway Crown集体庆祝假期的开始——上班族们不好意思,已经没有什么能阻挡学生们通宵达旦看世界杯了!(我听见所有人都有真诚地表态“我们不会忘记训练的”,嗯,很好很好…)

The holiday also means one step closer to our semester one members getting their bogu! Interviews with some of them are on the way, so stay tuned!
It’s probably a good time again to do something new for fun and relaxing – fully concentrated, not to worry about due dates, and I wouldn’t doubt you’d do so if you had purchased games during Steam’s summer sale, or if you are excited about some new movies – you probably have already missed some during the semester and don’t want to miss more. I couldn’t wait to try my games, and watch new movies after missing the Deadpool 2!
In the meantime, let’s also not forget managing our own time properly so we will make the progress we want before the next pub night in a month. At least, keep training hard for the next internal shiai!
与此同时,还是不要忘了在假期管理好自己的时间,这样等这个月过去,也就是下个pub night之前我们心中想实现的进步说不定就能实现。至少至少,还是要为了下个内部比赛而努力训练啊!
All pictures were by courtesy of Samantha.