Hello, and welcome back!
This is part 2 of our recap for the events which happened on Sunday, the 14th of November! If you haven’t seen the first part, I highly recommend checking that one out first!
Let’s move on!
Dan/Kyu Team Competition!
After our senior Dan members completed their competition, it was now time for our Kyu members, with Dan members acting as team leaders, to compete in their competition (myself included!). After witnessing the Dan competition, I think it was safe to say that all our Kyu members were fired up for their matches!
Most of our Dan members managed to sit back and relax, joining the beginner cohort in cheering on the Kyu members during their matches! Enjoy these photos which encapsulated these moments!

Kyu competitors, warming up!

Instructor Tom, waving to the spectators!

The competition begins!

The intensity of each match was crazy!

Look at that reach!

Team members supporting their colleague as they compete!

Fight on~!
The Dan/Kyu team matches were definitely intense – I can vouch for it, seeing as I also competed! I was glad to be able to participate in such a fun, competitive event! For some of us, this was a first time experience of a shiai style competition, I hope that everyone enjoyed it!
And now, our final event that we held on Sunday:
Outdoor Pot-Luck BBQ!
After all the training events were over, our club moved over to the Gadical Green, next to the Aquatic Centre at Sydney University, where we had our outdoor BBQ. The weather wasn’t spectacular, but our BBQ sure was! We were able to bring a giant portable stove, and used it to its maximum potential to really sizzle some juicy meat – many club members also brought dishes to share with everyone, store-bought and home-made, making for an amazing feast! This was an amazing opportunity for our club members to socialise with one another, whilst enjoying some great food! We also had many fun activities during the BBQ, such as mock-baseball and cricket – we didn’t really have proper bases for baseball, but we managed to make do with only a home plate! Improvisation!
Enjoy these photos of the BBQ~!

Our top-chef’s, cooking up a storm!

Look at those sizzlin’ sausages!

Jeff slides in!

Henry and Tasesa pose for the camera!

Cheese! Thanks for coming, everyone!
Well, that’s it! Those were all the events we had on the day! I hope that this post really managed to encapsulate the feeling of fun we had on the day, and provide a good idea of what we as a club get up to on a regular basis!
Thanks for sticking around, and I’ll see you next time!
– Makoto