Hello everyone,
On Sunday, the 6th of February, we held our 2021 AGM, which unfortunately had to be pushed back into February, due to COVID19 restrictions preventing us from gathering for our AGM last year.
At our club AGM’s we discuss general affairs and thank the head coaches and instructors for their guidance and running of the club, and every member of the club for their contribution to keeping the club alive.
Also discussed at the AGM is the nominations for our new executive team for 2022! For this year, our executive team here at USYD Kendo underwent changes, with some of us stepping down from the role, new members stepping up to it, and many of us staying onboard for another year, moving into another role. With that said, congratulations to Joe for being re-elected for our club President, Kyte for becoming our next Vice-president, as well as Brinton, becoming our next Equipment Officer!
On that note, thank you for your help and assistance throughout 2021, Aji! You were a great Commercial Officer and a member of the executive team, and I hope you will pass on your teachings to our next executive member who has taken up your role! For those who didn’t know, Aji designed our club jackets which we distributed recently!
With that being said, please welcome our newest members into the executive team: Abbas, and Shannon! Abbas has taken up the role of Commercial Officer, with Shannon taking up a new role of Assistant Executive Officer! I hope that your experience on the executive team here at USYD Kendo will be a pleasant one for 2022, learning many things and having a fun time with helping maintain the club!
Our newest executive members:
Abbas joined our club during the Welcome Week of the Autumn session of 2021, and is always motivated to push himself to his best during Kendo trainings! Welcome to the executive team, Abbas!
Shannon joined our club during the Welcome Week of the Autumn session of 2021, and is always keen on attending trainings, learning new techniques and meeting new people at our Kendo club! Welcome to the executive team, Shannon!
Our executive team line-up for this year:
President: Joe
Vice-president: Kyte
Secretary: Suzie
Assistant Executive Officer: Shannon
Treasurer: Tom
Equipment Officer: Brinton
Commercial Officer: Abbas
Media and Events Officer: Makoto
Well, that’s about everything – before I wrap it up, enjoy some images of how the day went!
– Makoto

Aji and Suzie, helping to organise handing out the Agenda to everyone!

What’s Suzie looking at I wonder?

Our club members, waiting for the AGM to begin!

Hi, John!

President Joe, giving out his president’s speech for the year of 2021!

President Joe thanking our head coaches and instructors with gifts, on behalf of the club and the executive team!

Our executive team of 2021, with Shannon, our addition to the team for 2022! (Not pictured: Abbas and Brinton)