On the 15th of August 2015 our club held our first Kendo Seminar for our members. A great thank you to Takayama Sensei and Fujisawa Sensei for spending the entire day explaining a wide range of Kendo knowledge. From the history and origins of Kendo, yukodatotsu (effective hitting), to shinpan (judging) practice, and finally to shiai practice, our members have gained a great basic understanding. Thank you to all of our members who joined – a total of 55 members attended despite so many being so sick! Get well soon and please spread your new knowledge to everybody who missed out!
Anna looking too happy with a real Katana.
Fujisawa Sensei explaining Yukodatotsu – elements needed to make an effective hit/cut! Does everyone remember?
Learning about correct shiai recording, timing, and strategies given the score
Everyone here remembers exactly why we laughed so hard. Shinpan practicing can always be tricky under certain circumstances.