Finally the O-week finished and Friday’s training was right after. It’s so excited to see so many new faces willing to give it a try, joining their first training! For those who havev’t tried even once, come to join as long as you feel like to, for we are taking new members, all year round! You will be taught from 0 experience to a specialist! 

New people, welcome again to the world of kendo! I hope you had some wonderful training experience on Friday as well as on Sunday! I did feel the time when I saw the instructors who used to taught my generation teaching you guys now… they let me see the charm of Kendo, and I hope you will find it too!
新人们,再次欢迎你们来到剑道的世界!希望周五和周日的训练给你们留下了美好的体验!带领你们的助教之前也带领着我们, 一转眼已经过去两年了……他们让我领略到了剑道的魅力,希望你们有朝一日也能有所体会!
Also, all seniors are nice; they are not only to help you with any kendo-related issues, but also the people you can make friends with! So, neither hesitation nor fear would be needed at all! Whenever you step in training courts or join social activities like pub night, feel at home!

An example of nice seniors. Sorry for the blurry two at the back due to my bad skills of shooting pictures…
Last but not least, even though I only saw you using the short shinai, I couldn’t wait to see all of you in full kendo suit and armour soon, which must be very awesome to look!