It’s been nice to meat you all!
Too bad Japanese restaurants don’t use tomato sauce…. it would have been good to ketchup with everyone.
The start of the year for us is a very festive. Over the summer a lot of our members go overseas and we often get out of touch. As university starts again, we do a series of events so we can… (ugh… resist…) catch-up. Kendo is not just about hitting each other, it really comes down to emotional engagements and relationships. We don’t just do sports and exercise, so we take good care of our friends in the club. This then leads to good training and improvement!
Everyone eats in this world, so we go out for food quite a bit! (we do other stuff too, but that’ll come later…!)
Koh-ya Yakiniku is a ….THE Japanese BBQ to go to in Sydney! We love it for the food and service, and the extras we get as as club.

Joe (our Vice Predient) happy to be holding up a TON of meat! (Those who know Japanese will know the pun made here…. if you don’t: look up pork in Japanese!)
We got regularly to this restaurant. If you’re keen meet and make closer friendships in our club… or just plain hungry! – Stay tuned to our club announcements and join the next ride into Koh-ya!